What is Environmental Adaptation
The project was approved under the Financial Framework of the Program “NATURAL ENVIRONMENT & INNOVATIVE ACTIONS” of the Green Fund and specifically in the framework of Priority A.1 Climate Change on the Axis A.1.4 Promotion of actions for the adaptation of socially vulnerable groups for a socially fair adaptation to climate change.t a brand-consistent website that converts visitors into clients.
Vision and mission
People with mental disabilities are one of the most vulnerable population groups at high risk regarding the effects of Climate Change. “EnvironMental Adaptation” aims at the fair adaptation of the target group to Climate Change, the education of the health care provider, as well as the awareness of the citizen, in terms of a more eco-friendly approach.
EnvironMental Adaptation includes the following activities:
-An opening event in Zagori, as part of the Dive in Diversity awareness festival, with the participation of formal caregivers, mental health users, and relevant stakeholders.
-A research on the ways in which the phenomenon of Climate Change can affect mental health.
-Educational material responding to the needs analysis for mental health professionals, as well as the target group.
-A board game, as an experiential learning tool, aimed at protecting people with mental disabilities from Climate Change.
-An information and public awareness event on the connection between Climate Change and Mental Health.
-A closing event in the context of Dive in Diversity, in which the results of the project will be disseminated, to ensure its sustainability even after the project’s completion.
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